[CAPITAL BUDGETING – Episode-I] – with solved problem: -
Pay Back Period refers to the period in which the project will generate the necessary cash to recoup the initial investment. Simply, it is best method used to calculate the time required to earn back the cost incurred in the investments through the successive cash inflows.
This episode consists of Pay Back Period with problem and solution. This video is useful for the MBA/M.Com/BBA/BBM/BCom students.
Associate Professor & Head of Research Centre
Department of Management Studies
Nesamony Memorial Christian College
Marthandam - 629165, Kanyakumari District
Tamil Nadu, INDIA
E.Mail: jebamelwyn@gmail.com
Jeba Melvin C.L holds Ph.D in Financial Service Marketing, MBA in Finance and also holds post graduation in Commerce. He is currently serving as Associate Professor and Head of Research Centre for the Management Studies at Nesamony Memorial Christian College, Marthandam. He has about 17 years of Post Graduate teaching experience and 6 years of research experience. Guided twenty M.Phil research scholars for the award of M.Phil degree and currently guiding six Ph.D research scholars. He has received the Best Researcher Award presented by Indian Academic Researchers Association (IARA Award - 2016) for the outstanding contribution in research at Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli. He has published several research papers in UGC approved refereed journals, few in books and participated in several international conferences and presented papers.
Best Paper Awards :-
1.Best Paper Award in the International Conference on “Leading Beyond Horizon: Engaging Future”, Annamalai University on the topic “Analysing Customers’ Attitude Towards Online Banking”, dated 28-30 July.2011.
2.Best Paper Award in the International Conference on “Recent Trends in Commerce and Management”, Jairam Arts & Science College, Salem, on the topic “A study on Customer Awareness about Online Banking services”, dated 5th Feb.2014.
3.Best Paper Award in the National Seminar on “Empowerment of Unorganised women through Micro Finance”, St.Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Palayamkottai, dated 06 March. 2015.